Tigran Richter (President Europatat)

“This year we are looking at a key edition of our annual Congress: On the eve of the European elections, the Europatat Congress will offer participants the possibility to discuss with European legislators and politicians, and other sectorial colleagues about how the sector should transition to the new decade.”

Rik Vera (Keynote speaker)

“The world has entered the Twilight Zone: the old business models are slowly deflating, they are merging and industry lines are blurring. Out of this chaos a new world is rising with hundreds of new business models. We have the biggest opportunity ever in front of us to re-think how we produce, process, distribute and consume food, water, energy, mobility…”


The TriCal Group is a privately-held family of companies committed to promoting a beneficial soil environment for potato production around the world. Driven by our Strike branded products and TELONE™, our group is dedicated to helping potato producers, distributors, and marketers with a wide range of soil solutions designed for efficient and sustainable production.

These services include expertise in diagnostics, irrigation/fertilization, grafted plants, equipment innovation, as well as the manufacturing, distribution, and application of our Strike and TELONE™ soil fumigant products. Our mission is to: Build Soil Health with Real Yield Results. That’s Sustainability!

For more than 50 years, the TriCal group has partnered with farmers, governmental agencies, and independent Universities to demonstrate that our Strike and TELONE™ fumigant products are effective tools to manage soilborne diseases in potatoes (including nematodes, Verticillium wilt, common scab, Rhizoctonia, Colletotrichum, Fusarium, Pythium, and Phytophthora). Suppresses soilborne diseases and nematode activity. Promotes native beneficial soil microbes. Increases plant production efficiency. Produces more potatoes on less land. Reduces crop production inputs. Increases marketable yields.

Discover more: www.tricalgroup.com

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