Tigran Richter (President Europatat)

“This year we are looking at a key edition of our annual Congress: On the eve of the European elections, the Europatat Congress will offer participants the possibility to discuss with European legislators and politicians, and other sectorial colleagues about how the sector should transition to the new decade.”

Rik Vera (Keynote speaker)

“The world has entered the Twilight Zone: the old business models are slowly deflating, they are merging and industry lines are blurring. Out of this chaos a new world is rising with hundreds of new business models. We have the biggest opportunity ever in front of us to re-think how we produce, process, distribute and consume food, water, energy, mobility…”

Europatat Congress 2024:

23 & 24 May, Brussels (Belgium)

European Potato Trade in 2030: a sector in transition

The annual Europatat event has become a key platform to assess the state of play of the potato sector and to communicate the priorities and challenges facing the potato business in Europe and beyond. In 2024, the European potato community will meet again at the EU heart from Thursday 23 to Friday 24 May 2024.

Registration will open soon, stay tuned!

About the Europatat Congress

In order to create a meeting for all potato professionals on the edge of a new potato season, Europatat organises its Congress every other year in Brussels, the capital of Europe, and every other year in a different European location.

This rotation enables all potato traders to host the congress in their country, which allows them to present the activities of Europatat to their national potato chain and authorities.

On the other hand all countries have the opportunity to present their national sector and to focus on their items of interest during Europatat’s well known event.

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